USAC Technical Bulletin
October 13, 2010
USAC Focus Young Guns Intake Restrictor Rule Clarification
It has been brought to our attention that some Focus Young Guns restrictors have been modified from their original configuration. Please note that zero modifications are to be made to the restrictors from their stock configuration. Failure to comply with this rule will result in confiscation of restrictors and/or disqualification from the race event.
All air entering the intake MUST pass through the throat of the restrictor so be sure the restrictor fits snugly and bottoms out below the clamping slits on the throttle bodies. If you have loose fitting restrictors, seal them to the tube with silicone so they don't jiggle around and let air bypass them. USAC technical officials will be inspecting restrictors prior to the races to insure compliance.
Any questions regarding this rule can be directed to the USAC office at 317-247-5151.